Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Florida Adventures: Key Largo to Key West

Since January, my friends, Pat, Corey and I have been trying to plan a trip down to the Florida Keys because we've never been. We needed to wait for the weather to get warmer and then I was hired to work for the Yankees so the month of March was out of the question. We finally had the chance to go down this past weekend, April 1-3

Yes, the main point was to go see the tropical water but Corey had his own plan. His plan was to bike from Key Largo to Key West (98 miles). We left Friday and arrived at our campground in Key Largo around 10p.m.. After a a very hot night in the ten, we got up around 6 and Corey started his trip about  a hour after.

Here's a picture of Corey I took while driving. We're about 5 miles away from Marathon, Florida. About 55 miles until Key West. 

Pat and I drove to Key Ducky to meet up with Corey to break up his ride a little so he could get a little food in his system. After, Pat and I drove down to Key West to explore the southernmost city in the continental United States. 

 Check out the water behind in this picture. The water was so clear in some spots. Such an amazing city. I can't wait to go back to explore some more. 

Corey arrived in Key West around 4:30 p.m.. We then went to Fort Zachary Taylor which is a beach and nature park at the southernmost tip. The water felt like bath water it was so amazing. We saw so many crabs and some unique fish. We then drove back towards Tampa after we had dinner. After a long day and a sleepless night we had to make a pit stop for a nap break in Naples. Such a crazy weekend but it worth it. Key West is a beautiful city and I encourage everyone to check it out. 

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