Woke up: 7:15a.m.
Left Camp: 8:00a.m.
Finished: 10:00a.m.
Total Miles: 6
As you could tell, Mariner and I were pretty excited to complete our journey because it only took us 45 minutes to pack up camp and leave.
We hiked through some parts of the forest that were destroyed by controlled burns. At some points it was so smokey that I put my shirt over my nose because I was coughing so much because of it.
We finished up around 10 and we sat around the Rangers check in station waiting for Mariner's mother to pick us up. Mariner called his mother and she said she wouldn't be there for another 2 hours so we decided to explore the small town of Umatilla. We found a dollar general, got some drinks and snacks and made our way back to the Rangers stand.
Mariner's mother arrived a little after 12:30 and from there we started driving back towards where I had parked my car originally in Dunellon.
We stopped at a BBQ/ Fruit Stand somewhere in the middle of Florida. I couldn't be more happier to stop for some REAL FOOD. I had 2 BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and I ate them well under 3 minutes. Everything tasted amazing.
It was such a great experience to meet Mariner's mother because we never met. Both my parents and Mariner's parents had heard of who we are but they had never met us.
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